USFIA, Squire Sanders, and Source Intelligence provide  an update on the conflict minerals reporting requirement and what you need to know now--as we're learning new information about the requirement every day.

On June 2, 2014, thousands of SEC reporting companies that manufacture or contract to manufacture products containing conflict minerals will be filing their first reports about the origins of those minerals. Those reporting companies and their suppliers are busy gathering data about their use of conflict minerals and whether the sources of those conflict minerals are legitimate ones. And, they are preparing the first disclosures and obtaining any required audits.

As part of USFIA’s continuing efforts to help member companies comply with the SEC’s reporting requirements, Dynda Thomas and David Spooner of Squire Sanders presented two introductory webinars on the conflict minerals rule on November 18, 2012 and March 5, 2013. (These webinars are available in USFIA's Webinar Library, too.) This follow-up webinar provides member companies with a refresher on the rule, with a focus on the aspects of the rule that are posing particular challenges for apparel makers and retailers. We will discuss the extent to which the conflict minerals rule does and does not apply to your business, how to analyze responses from your suppliers, and how best to draft your disclosure reports for this first year.         

Source Intelligence also reviews the Conflict Minerals Resource Center, developed in conjunction with several industry associations including USFIA, and provide an update on best practices.

USFIA members should login to access the webinar. If you do not know your login, please contact us.

If you are not a member and would like to purchase the webinar, please click here.