Any professional involved in the cross-border buying or selling of goods is touched by trade compliance considerations. Whether employed in supply chain operations, planning, procurement, or finance, the failure to understand and plan around import/export regulatory requirements can lead to unanticipated costs and a lot of wasted time. Product delays, stock-outs, emergency shipments, additional warehousing costs, and customs penalties are all common consequences of compliance failures.

Many businesses operating in Asia Pacific choose to have their logistics service provider (LSP) handle customs formalities at overseas borders; relying on their operational knowledge and relationships with customs officials. However, the legal responsibility for customs compliance remains with the owner of the goods and most customs authorities expect informed oversight over LSPs and customs brokers.

To equip business professionals with the ability to take a more informed and pro-active role in the management of customs and trade risk in Asia Pacific, we will cover the following topics during this two-day workshop:

  • Recognising and monitoring customs and trade “hot spots” throughout the supply chain
  • Introduction to customs valuation, classification, and FTA compliance
  • Understanding the trade compliance roles and responsibilities of the various business functions, LSP, and customs authorities
  • Essentials of customs rules and procedures in Asia Pacific
  • Identifying opportunities for duty savings and cash-flow improvement across the region


Sales, procurement, logistics, supply chain planners, and legal and finance professionals who wish to build their knowledge of cross-border trade compliance to better manage business risk and identify trade savings opportunities.


Each participant will receive a certificate of participation from PwC upon completion of the workshop for continuous Professional Development (CPD)/Continuous Professional Education (CPE) purposes. 


PWC Building, Room W28, Level 17, 8 Cross Street S048424, Singapore


Please register with Serene HC Png by 10 September 2014 by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.or by phone at +(65) 6236 7316